BOMnipotent has one subscription-tier for all, which costs as little as ordering a pizza twice a month.
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Enjoy all features of BOMnipotent in a 3 months free trial, and after that for just €20/month (or save 16% with an annual subscription).
Monthly Billing
3 months free trial, then
Cancel anytime.
No hidden fees.
Annual Billing
3 months free trial, then
2 months free each year.
Commit to save 16%.
Why choose BOMnipotent?
- Save time: Get the server up and running within minutes.
- Show transparency: Distribute your supply chain data to exactly those who are authorized to view it.
- Increase your appeal: Potential customers who need to comply with NIS-2 or other regulations will prefer your product.
- No overhead for users: BOMnipotent comes with a client application that everyone can use for free.
Questions and Answers
Can I cancel my subscription anytime?
Yes, you can cancel anytime. If you cancel, you’ll retain full access until the end of your billing period.
What happens if I choose the annual plan and cancel midway?
We do not provide partial refunds for annual plans. However, you will keep your full access until the end of your billing cycle. Please compare our refund policy .
How do I get a free trial?
Automatically, by choosing either of the plans. You have to deposit your payment information, but you will first be billed after 3 months.
What happens to my hosted data if I do not have a subscription?
Nothing. You will not be able to add any new data like documents or users, but you can still host, access and even remove them.
Choose the plan that works best for you.
Not yet convinced?
Contact me to give me a chance to improve BOMnipotent.